Lower Stress & Unlock Your Creative Potential
Imagination is the key to creating the life we want. Without it, we starve the very core of who we are.
I invite you to ignite your imagination and creativity while creating beautiful art.
- Sylwia
Fluid art painting can be a gateway to:
A clearer and calmer mind
Improved focus
Reduced anxiety
Freedom of self expression
Sparked imagination
Increased creativity
"Engaging yourself in painting ... can help you take off your mind from matters disturbing you. You’ll be surprised to find yourself thinking and feeling completely different from when you started being all anxious and jittery." - Diane Levy
"Even if you’ve never considered yourself an artist, now is the time to take up an artistic pursuit. It is never too late, and everyone can do it... You will be greatly rewarded emotionally, physically, and spiritually for your creative efforts. As Pablo Picasso once said, 'Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.' - Lisa Marder
Join the self-paced, simple and fun
Fluid Art Painting for Relaxation
Here is a Time-Lapse Preview​
Here is what you'll get
from the Fluid Art Painting for Relaxation Course
The simple how-to you need to start painting, even if you don't know anything about making art
19 brief videos of how to paint and de-stress with fluid art:
1. Supplies
2. Setting up your space
3. Paint thinner
4. Mindset
5. Mistakes?
6. De-Stress with fluid art
7. Choosing colors
8. Mixing colors
9. Dirty cup (flip cup) pour
10. Drying process
11. Open cup pour
12. Straight pour
13. Swipe technique
14. Pellet knife painting
15. Do over
16. A note on cells
17. Naming & signing your art
18. Tape
19. Torch
Do the course on your own schedule at your own speed
Relax and have fun creating
Discover which colors will inspire you the most and which will be healing
Lower stress and anxiety without leaving your home
Ability to paint art you can hang in your home or give as a gift
Five different simple fluid art techniques you can use multiple times​​
Personal help from me by email
Plus - These Awesome Bonuses!
A Fluid Art Painting for Beginners E-Book. A 39 page printable supplement to the course with step by step instructions, including photos
A printable supplies list including, what supplies you really need, and what you can do without, and where to buy them, including photos
A printable 17 page Color Guide E-Book which tells you about the power of colors, what they mean and how they heal
A basic guide to mixing colors, printable sheet
A simple printable glossary of the basic art terms used in the course
Lifetime Access
Art for Relaxation
How to use fluid art to de-stress & ignite creativity.
A 30 day Money Back Guarantee!
If you purchase the course and it's not up your alley, just email me for a refund.
I have a happy customer policy.
And free shipping!
(Just kidding, it's digital)
You'll get a link to the course platform in your email.
Your downloads will be there as well.
One Time Payment
Art for Relaxation
How to use fluid art to de-stress & ignite creativity.